An elderly man attacked L1 shoppers because he thought they were clowns

The craze continues to affect locals

Police were called to McDonalds on Lord Street at 7:20pm last night, after an elderly man began to attack the public, thinking they were clowns.

Clearly confused the man attacked a woman, grabbing her by the throat. The woman was part of a crowd watching a street magician on Church Street by Forever 21 and was supposedly dragged from the audience by the throat.

The victim’s friend Alan Allsop told the Echo; “He was so strong. When he let her go I just told her to run.”

After breaking free the man chased another woman into the McDonalds at the junction between Lord and Paradise Street with his briefcase. McDonalds staff attempted to keep him in the restaurant form both his, and the public’s safety, but he was startled by a group of teenagers who led him back onto the streets where he began to throw himself to the ground in distress. The Echo reporter on the scene described the man as ‘vulnerable’.

It is believed that the man was not arrested but taken into care by the Merseyside Police, who reiterate the statement that any threatening behaviour will not be treated as a joke.

the clowns have also been seen across the UK and America

This isn’t the only case of clown terror that has got to Liverpool, with police called to Beechwood Drive in Bidston, the Wirral, on Sunday evening after a 37 year old man was struck in the street after a conflict with ten 14-18 year olds, some of which were reportedly wearing clown masks.

The victim was left shaken with a head injury.

Detective Inspector Lamb told the Metro that “[…] people engaging in intimidating or violent behaviour with their faces covered or wearing clown masks will not be treated as a joke or prank…” and that “…their behaviour could constitute a crime and could lead to their arrest and a potential criminal record.”