The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Man in his 70s pronounced dead at the scene
Is the six pack worth it?
‘What is your field of wheat?’
Where to get your 2019 Shrove Tuesday fix
Four fire engines attended the scene
Police are appealing to anyone with information
Sanctions include being denied access to libraries and their university email
The reason you can’t finish your essay
Stop pretending you’re not freezing like the rest of us
A run down of all the festive events in the run up to Christmas
Heaven explained in a statement how trackies are not allowed at most late night venues
Off to find myself a “boo”
Jeepers, it was scary
They liked their Instagram photo of the 2017 tramp social ffs
The social has been an annual event since 2014
Long queues and ‘crushing’ dance floors left students unsatisfied
Jezza autographed a cardboard cutout of himself and was greeted with roars of ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’
‘Biology is not bigotry. Gender is a social construct’
South campus is going to ‘Come Alive’ in more ways than one this freshers week
Who’s ready to meet the fresh meat on campus?
Clubbing isn’t boring. You’re boring.
How to ruin your beach body before the diet even started
Liverpool fans have taken to social media to voice their outrage
Coming from the creators of Ghetto Golf
91 per cent of you think clubs should be doing more
Y’all getting cute on the picket line
And they have the Guild’s backing
While the cat’s away the mice will drink tequila
You’re gonna like this one
And the real question, is she available tonight?
Who takes the gold? Vote for your favourite bachelorette and spread the love…
Haven’t you heard? It’s almost time to crown our king!
It’s time to choose your final contestant…
Once, twice, three times a lady….
Only you can decide who makes it to the final
In the deepest darkest corners of silent study who knows what we may find…
The boys are back in town
Here come the girls…
It’s a double standard faced by students up and down the country
And yes, you can apply on your flatmate’s behalf
Here’s your how-to guide on finding a place to revise in the Sydney Jones
Cheesey chips and curry sauce anyone?
We can’t think of any better way to kick off the summer
Police are calling for witnesses to contact them with any information concerning the incident
You’re just making the rest of us feel guilty
You can hear the cyclist shouting “Let go, I said let go”
With just a few weeks to go until Easter, will your stars align?
The national sport of Ireland
Will your stars align over Smithdown this week?
A few handy tips to deal with your impending doom…
What does La even mean?
And the best part is you don’t have to sell your soul to Delta for a ride home
Jet-setter, go-getter
It’s a magical mystery tour
I got 99 problems (and a snitch ain’t one)
Santa Claus is coming to Smithdown!
Oh Professor, I’ve been a bad girl
We’re 24th in the world, beating Venice, New York and London
The best bites this side of the Mersey
They’re inviting students to a candlelit evening of acoustic music, food and fun.
‘Was hardly a sesh’
It’s time to accept the truth
And it wasn’t even that bad
We’ve put in the leg work so you can find your favourite quarter-pounder for less.
The craze continues to affect locals
2 litre Tesco vodka is the only vodka when you’re in your overdraft
The dearest and darkest stories of the local taxi cab drivers