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Love Island’s Adam Collard is appearing in Level THIS SATURDAY

You’d be lying if you said you weren’t attracted to him

Adam Collard, this year's Love Island bad boy, has Level-goer written all over him: perfectly coiffed hair, rippling abs from hours at PureGym (probably) and an inability to keep his eye on one girl for more than a few seconds. So it seems perfect that he's appearing at Liverpool's biggest club this Saturday, 14th July.

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Get in now, he'll be forgotten about by the time uni restarts

As one of his first stops on his 61 date PA tour (phew), you'd be a little bit muggy if you didn't pop down for a picture if you're still in the city; although making the journey would certainly be worth it, so you can avoid having to go to one of your cringe hometown clubs – Yates', Wolverhampton anyone?

To secure your place seeing this Geordie star, tickets for the event are available here.