Image may contain: Drink, Beverage, Club, Party, Person, Human

Clubbers of the (Reading) Week: work hard, play hard

Keep partying like it’s your job

To those of you who actually did stuff to do with your degree on your week off, feast your eyes on the ones that, like the majority of us, probably did fuck all.

When you finish the introduction of your 4000 word essay

Image may contain: Text

If you insist x

Ladies in mesh of the week

Image may contain: Pub, Bar Counter, Party, Night Life, Night Club, Club, Person, Human

Coordination done right

Clubber most likely to be preparing for a rendition of 'Singin in the Rain'

Image may contain: Night Club, Night Life, Club, Human, Person

Or 'It's Raining Men', who knows?

And the ones who are probably writing the hottest indie album of 2019

Image may contain: Night Club, Coat, Jacket, Club, Hair, Party, Clothing, Apparel, Person, Human

Ready to support Blossoms or Sundara Karma

Wonder what she's caught a whiff of?

Image may contain: Disco, Night Club, Club, Human, Person, Party

Image may contain: Night Club, Club, Party, Human, Person

God knows what she trod on in the bathroom

'Gwarn guys' of the week

Image may contain: Night Life, Disco, Night Club, Club, Party, Human, Person

Image may contain: Hug, Dating, Make Out, Skin, Human, Person

Get innnn

If only this kiss was as successful…

Image may contain: Club, Night Life, Human, Person

Moving swiftly on

You know when you think you're getting a cute picture and then

Image may contain: Coat, Clothing, Apparel, Jacket, Female, Face, Night Club, Dating, Club, Person, Human

Image may contain: Woman, Night Club, Female, Club, Skirt, Clothing, Apparel, Person, Human

Lurk who's behind you

Pretty sure they've got more red cups than a cliche high school party in an American movie

Image may contain: Disco, Night Club, Club, Party, Human, Person

Or close enough

The finalists of the "hottest couple of the year" awards are

Image may contain: Hair, Night Club, Club, Person, Human

Stay tuned to find out the results

So I suppose congratulations are in order then

Image may contain: Karaoke, Footwear, Shoe, Female, Night Life, Party, Dance Pose, Leisure Activities, Night Club, Club, Clothing, Apparel, Human, Person

We recommend the Hawaiian theme on the big day as well

Maybe it's time for you two to go home

Image may contain: Jacket, Coat, Party, Skin, Drink, Beverage, Face, Apparel, Clothing, Person, Human

Open your eyes long enough to order an Uber, ye?