Ru Paul winner Aquaria denied entry to Heaven nightclub for wearing trackies
Heaven explained in a statement how trackies are not allowed at most late night venues
Ru Paul's Drag Race season 10 winner Aquaria was denied entry to Heaven nightclub after turning up in trackies.
After originally going on a rant against Heaven on Twitter, she then deleted the tweet and issued an apology to the club.
The original tweet, posted yesterday, claimed Aquaria and friends were "extremely harassed and humiliated by the heinous security dude", when they attempted to visit the club on Sunday.
Aquaria added: "If someone like me can't be let into a club solely on the pants I'm wearing just imagine how impossible it is to find acceptance." She went on to encourage her fans to boycott the Liverpool club in later tweets.
Members of public reacted negatively, including local drag queen "The Vivienne" who defended her hometown's gay scene.
In response to Aquaria's first tweet, Heaven told The Echo: "Heaven Liverpool has a long and proud history in the LGBT community, and we aim to be a safe space for all and anyone who wishes to visit.
"Over the years we have been proud to have hosted many of the Ru Paul Drag Queens in sellout shows and our home grown queens have learnt a lot from working with the more established performers.
"We have also helped to launch many local queens into the community. At Heaven we believe that everyone is equal, and it is with this in mind that the door policy was explained to Aquaria last night. Tracksuits and sportswear are not allowed across many (if not all) late night bars.
"Had we been able to have a reasonable discussion with Aquaria, we would have discussed the individual circumstance, however almost immediately, the situation escalated into one of abuse and outright profanity levelled at our staff. We wish Aquaria all the best with her UK tour."
Shortly after, Aquaria deleted her original tweet and wrote the following apology online.
Fans responded in a largely negative manner to the apology, calling it "backhanded" and "half assed".
The public outcry didn't stop her Drag Mother and season four winner Sharon Needles reading her for her choices in club-wear.
Jodie and Erik, language students who study at the University of Liverpool told The Liverpool Tab: "Under no circumstances was it okay to be abusive to Heaven staff. Just because you're rejected from one club, doesn't give you the right to put the whole city's gay scene down. She should have just explained calmly instead of popping off. It doesn't matter who you are, there's no need to get aggressive."
"She's turned it into an LGBTQ+ issue when it didn't have to be one, especially considering she's attacked one of town's very few safe spaces for the gay community. She's an ambassador for our community and she's misusing her platform."