Image may contain: Disco, Face, Night Club, Club, Party, Person, Human

Clubbers of the Week: Don’t blame it on good times, blame it on the deadlines

I just can’t control my workload

What's proven to be the best way of surviving these last couple of weeks before the holidays? Getting snapped for Clubbers, clearly.

Squads of the week

Image may contain: Night Life, People, Night Club, Club, Party, Person, Human

Image may contain: Female, People, Party, Club, Jacket, Coat, Clothing, Apparel, Person, Human

Hands up if you think Made In Chelsea is just a bit dead now

Clubbers anticipating their mum picking them up so they can be fresh for school tomorrow

Image may contain: Club, Drink, Beverage, Tin, Party, Person, Human

They've definitely done no revision for their biology test either

Shit shirts of the week

Image may contain: Apparel, Clothing, Dress, People, Leisure Activities, Night Life, Night Club, Club, Person, Human, Party

More colour than we saw all November

When you're steaming but still trying to find your mate in the club

Image may contain: Night Club, Party, Club, Person, Human

"Promise I can see properly chick hun x"

And when you spot the hottie from your seminar out too

Image may contain: Night Club, Party, Club, Human, Person

She'll be dreaming of him until their Monday 10am

Plus, when you notice money on the floor mid-photo

Image may contain: Club, Photo Booth, Party, Mobile Phone, Electronics, Cell Phone, Phone, Person, Human

Only 98p more and you can get another VK

An alternative way to protect your retinas if you forget your rave shades

Image may contain: Night Club, Clothing, Apparel, Hat, Club, Party, Human, Person

Doesn't look as wavy though

Being invited on your girlfriend's "ladies night" when you could've just been at home instead

Image may contain: Disco, Party, Night Club, Club, Human, Person

Missed playing Red Dead for this

Us at 00.01am on December 1st

Image may contain: Halloween, Party, Night Club, Flyer, Paper, Brochure, Club, Advertisement, Poster, Person, Human

A minute later she was seen requesting Fairytale of New York

Student loans just don't stretch to decorations, so here's how to improvise

All I want for Christmas is to not be broke

Lastly, all the photos that speak for themselves

Image may contain: Hair, Smile, Crowd, Indoors, Interior Design, Party, Pants, Night Life, Person, Human, Face, Apparel, ClothingImage may contain: Night Life, Disco, Party, Night Club, Human, Person, ClubImage may contain: Female, Face, Shorts, Apparel, Clothing, Person, Human

Image may contain: Disco, Person, Human, Night Club, Party, Club

Keeeep clubbing