21 Reasons Why You Should Go Out In Norwich Tonight

Need convincing? Rachel Moss gives you all the reasons you need to hit Prince of Wales tonight…

A night on Prince of Wales just makes sense…

1) You’re a Fresher. Party before the work counts.

2) You’re not in your overdraft yet.

3) Drinking games can improve your maths skills…5s? 21? Ring of Fire includes some numbers…(ish).

1 King + 1 King + 1 King + 1 King = 4 Kings= Dirty Pint.

4) You’re single.

5) You’re in a happy relationship and should probably spend more time with your friends.

6) You just got dumped.

7) You can turn the heating off while you’re out. You are actually saving money.

Student housing can be a chilly affair

8) You never know who you might meet.

9) You like to support local businesses. Master Chef? Piccolos? Someone’s got to eat all those cheesy chips.



Where all the best nights end…

10) Dancing burns calories.

11) Singing releases endorphins. Happy student= happy grades.

12) You’re a second year. Make the most of life before the third year dissertation stress starts.

13) You’re a third year. Make the most of student life before graduation.

14) You already own a suitable LCR costume.

It’s the LCR, nobody really cares!

15) A celebrity you’ve actually heard of is appearing in town.

16) YOLO.

17) You might get Clive the bus driver. Or the taxi man who sings ‘my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.’

UEA Dance Squad love ‘bussing it’

18) Exam period is ages away.

19) Your friend needs you there as a babysitter/ bodyguard/ wingman…

20) Red wine is good for your heart.

21) You read all the way to 21…You clearly have enough spare time to go out tonight.