Free waffles!

UEA Christian Union get a healthy Tab-style plug as they invite you to eat waffles with them.

UEA Christian Union’s annual events week ‘Keep Searching’ arrives on campus in week five.

It’s a chance to explore Christianity and discuss deeper issues, and to find out what all the Christian Union fuss is about.

From Tuesday to Friday there will be a Waffle Bar held in the Blue Bar 12pm-1pm. Free waffles are available while discussions on Christianity cover topics from “who is the perfect Christian?” to “what is wrong with the Church?”

There will be a variety of events in the evening all starting at 7.30pm. The week will kick off on Monday with a night of chilled music and stories. Wednesday evening will be an open forum for questions. Thursday evening will be a straight up Gospel talk – do you really know what Christians believe or do you just think you do? Friday evening will kick off the start of the Alpha course.

Alpha is an introductory course to Christianity; there is food, a short talk and a discussion. The CU promises there is “no pressure or charge” and say “if you’ve given up on God, if you’re bored of the church or if you’re just plain curious then Alpha is for you.”

“Keep Searching” will run in week 5 from the 4–8 February.

For more details check out the UEA CU on Facebook.