Meet the identical twins who live together at uni
They both have the same taste in girls
Meet Kenny and Danny. They’re both 21 (Danny is 15 minutes older) and are from Hertfordshire. They both study business and are active members of the Boxing society. They also look exactly the same.
We sat down with Trent’s most eligible identical twins to find out what having a clone is really like.
How do people tell you apart?
Kenny: Usually because our hair is parted on different sides and Danny has a broken nose.
Do you ever dress the same on purpose?
Danny: Never usually on purpose, most the time when we dress the same it’s by accident.
Have you ever played any good twin tricks?
Kenny: Just the standard twin games, pretending to be the other one, on a night out it just happens and we just go with the flow.
Who’s the better looking twin?
Danny: Me.
Kenny: Obviously me, he has a broken nose.
Who’s got better taste in girls?
Danny: We have the same taste in girls. When we were 16/17 we both really liked the same girl and she ended up having to decide which twin she wanted to be with. She chose me and it ended in a massive fight and Kenny and I didn’t speak for ages. It was a horrific triangle but that was a while ago!
Who’s got the best chat?
Kenny: We’re twins, we probably say the same thing.
Danny: I must have better chat as I’ve pulled better looking girls.
Who pulls the most?
Danny: Kenny’s pulled more as I’ve been in two relationships.
Kenny: Guilty.
Who cooks and who cleans?
Kenny: We usually take turns. Most of it is done together, one peels one chops, one washes the other drys.
Who gets mistaken for the other the most? (Who’s the biggest BNOC?)
Kenny: Danny thinks it’s him as he was here another year but I disagree.
Who’s cleverer?
Kenny: Must be me as he failed a year.
Danny: Kenny took a year out when I failed so that we’d graduate together. Also, me failing was tactical, who wouldn’t want to have another year of ocean?
Who’s most loved by your parents?
Kenny: Me as I’m the youngest (youngest is always the favourite).
Who’s got bigger feet?
Kenny: Me
Danny: What’s bigger feet got to do with anything?