Warwick cements its place in top ten best UK unis
One day we’ll be Woxbridge
The chances of Woxbridge officially becoming a thing have taken a huge dent.
The University of Warwick has been placed seventh in the whole country, five whole places off it’s more elite cousins.
The Complete University Guide’s UK University League Tables and Rankings for 2016 heaped special heaped on with our research and student satisfaction scores being fifth best.
Just a few months after being named the Times’ top university in the UK (in case the hundreds of posters around campus didn’t make it clear), Warwick seems to be going from strength to strength but is falling short for many Woxbridge hopefuls.
Our research has recently been ranked in the top 5 in a variety of departments, and it certainly seems to be paying off for Warwick in the league tables now. Our fiftieth year is clearly our lucky one.
The Guide claims to be independent with input from universities, students and UCAS, grading universities on entry standards, student satisfaction, research quality and graduate prospects, all of which add up to an overall score out of 1000. Warwick scored an overall 909, leaving us just 17 points behind St Andrews.
A spokesperson for the University said: “Once again, thanks to the continuous hard work of our staff and students, Warwick has been listed amongst the UK’s top 10 universities and ranked as the best in the West Midlands in the latest league table. It is yet more great news for us to celebrate during our anniversary year as we look ahead to build even further on what we have achieved over the last 50 years.”
19 year old student, Tamanna Rahman, is proud to be part of Warwick. She said: “My subject, engineering, was also seventh, so I’m feeling good about my prospects.”
It doesn’t appear to be all good news, however. History and Politics student, Michael Dean, was utterly deflated at the news. He said: “There has been no change from last year. I would have liked to see some improvement – we can take on Oxbridge!”
With the league tables frequently focusing on us now, it seems there is certainly hope for bigger and better years to come; Woxbridge, here we come.