The Warwick Naked Rowers have been banned from YouTube
They were described as “pornographers”
The Warwick Rowers annual naked calendar has recently been deemed by YouTube as “unsuitable for young people”, despite its worldwide recognition as a fundraising initiative.
The Warwick Rowers strip off every year for the calendar, which aims to raise awareness and promote greater tolerance among young people.
The calendar is hugely successful, donating all of its profits to charities including pro-gay organisation Sport Allies and The University of Warwick.
However, this is not the first time something like this has happened. Several years ago, the Warwick Rowers were removed from Google Checkout’s payment processing service without notice.
This decision was later upheld at appeal, on the grounds that the Warwick Rowers were pornographers.
In a statement The Warwick Rowers and their photographer, Angus Malcolm, said: “Several years ago, the plucky Warwick Rowers were thrown off Google Checkout’s payment processing service without notice – a decision that was upheld on appeal, on the grounds that the Warwick Rowers are pornographers.
“Today, in a similar vein, YouTube has decided that the rowers’ public awareness campaign aimed at promoting greater tolerance among young people is unsuitable for, uh, young people. Way to go, Google!”
They continued: “Bizarrely, Google were a lot more relaxed only a few days ago when the Warwick Rowers reported that a Google user was illegally sharing their charity fundraising content.
“Google twice rejected the Warwick Rowers appeal for help, before shutting up shop for the weekend with the content still available, and did not manage to respond effectively until after the rowers threatened legal action against the corporation.
“”And these are the guys who promise to do no evil,” commented one rower, saddened at seeing their hard work for charity being undermined by the massive corporation. “That’s not been our experience at all.”
Today’s verdict has resulted in the Warwick Rowers having to resort to other channels to publicise their calendar. The Rowers are now urging those who have embedded the YouTube to replace it with the Vimeo version.