Watford might be grotty but we love it anyway
It has a brutish charm and a rough and ready appearance
Watford is an iconic place. Generally known for its Oceana and the football team whilst commonly being confused for ‘Walford’, the town in Eastenders. We love Watford for its brutish charm and its rough and ready appearance. But in truth unemployment is probably higher than average.
Yet Watford is acutely aware of the fact is a bit shit, and the joy is, it doesn’t pretend to be anything but that. A refreshing turn of events considering the air of superiority that can often be found in surrounding home counties.
Is it in London?
The ongoing debate for all those who live in Watford. Is it in London? You will be hard pushed to find someone in Watford who doesn’t secretly see itself as part of a wider North London community. Yes I see your twitter bio that says you’re from ‘NW London’. Its inside the M25 and after all there is the met station we all tell ourselves. But in truth, those in actual London would likely scoff at the idea of ‘that shit hole’ being associated with genuine ends.
Watford FC have put us on the map
Having recently got into the Premiership, Watford FC has certainly given Watford a place on the map that a below average town would likely not have. Vicarage road is a definite treasure for all those in Watford.
Pryzm Waford will ALWAYS be Ocies
One of the worst things to happen to me since living in Watford was seeing Oceana Watford become Pryzm. What? Everyone knows Watford for Oceana – it is probably our biggest asset. However despite a recent disastrous night in December 2016 where the newly renamed club made national news following fights after the overselling of one of its nights out, the club seems to have bounced back.
Despite its renaming Ocies is still a bastion of sin which people travel far and wide to visit. Although the whole institution smells of fermented feet and it is inevitable you are going to see everyone you dislike in there on a Friday night. It’s a wonderful place.
The Meriden high rises are Watford’s equivalent of the Shard
Everyone knows it, but few venture close. Having lived there myself, the infamous Watford Council Estate is often well avoided by most. The Meriden is interesting because it offers a big contrast to the comparatively jazzy areas of Nascot Wood and Cassiobury which are just a few miles down the road. Many a good time has been had outside of the Meriden’s Co-op and my sister and I have fond memories of listening to Chris Brown through our Sony Ericsson’s whilst roaming through Garston park. Plus the Meriden high rises are Watford’s equivalent of the Shard.
The Harlequin was the place to be seen
Now more commonly known as INTU Watford. Many year 6 summers were spent here, loyally sporting a Mcdonald’s drink and paper bag of medium fries. Dress code for anyone in between the ages of 11-15 in and around 2010 included a Paul’s boutique bag, Ugg boots, a Hollister top and maybe a tracksuit if you were feeling brave. The hornet sculpture outside of Maccy’s on the corner was a guaranteed meeting spot before you went off to try and steal from the 99p store.

Me on the left in 2010 quintessential Watford dress. Bless up.
The Abbey Flyer
In the midst of Watford sometimes it is nice to get some restbite and go to the haven of St Albans for the day, where you wont find people spitting on the street and teenage parents. However the climbing price of Abbey Flyer tickets throughout the years made hiding from the ticket conductor a new necessity. Also at the age of 19 I still insist I am 15 in order to attempt to gain a child’s ticket. Classic. Or maybe my laizzez-faire attitude towards payment just once again proves that I am Watford, through and through.