You’ll no longer pay £314 for a replacement UniRider
Warwick SU victory over Stagecoach
Students who lose or have their bus passes stolen will no longer have to fork out a massive £314 to pay for a new pass.
From the start of 2017, Stagecoach took a firmer stance on their replacement policy. They decided to no longer issue replacement passes for the £25 administration fee. Advising students that they either had to pay £314 for a new pass, or pay for each journey individually.
However, due to a Warwick SU campaign 'Stop Taking Us For a Ride', Stagecoach have reinstated their original policy.
Stagecoach have confirmed the U-turn in policy, with just the original £25 administration fee being payable. You will still have to provide evidence of the lost pass; including details of the pass, evidence that you purchased it, and information on how it was lost or stolen.
Third year Film and Literature student Bertille Duthoit said that "this is such a great move as I no longer have to be worried about losing my UniRider. I couldn't afford to pay over £300 for a new one!"
The full replacement policy provided by Warwick SU is given below:
If you’ve lost your Stagecoach bus pass, you can report this to Stagecoach on 01604 676060 (office hours 8am-5pm Monday – Friday) or via [email protected], supported by the details of the pass, evidence that you purchased it, and details of how it was lost or stolen (together with details of the Police crime number if it was stolen).
Please note that an administration charge of £25 will be payable for the replacement if it is approved.
* If the request is accepted, the email response will ask that the admin fee (£25) is sent to Stagecoach (who will post out a replacement), or is taken to the Leamington Office and paid in exchange for a replacement pass.
* If the request is denied, the email response will link to the newly-agreed appeals process.
If Stagecoach don’t accept your request, you can appeal to a joint panel of representatives from Stagecoach, the SU and the University, who will respond within at least 10 working days. The decision of this panel will be final.
The SU are still in negotiations over the Sydenham route and the out-of-term bus routes.