A definitive list of all the slang you need to survive at Warwick
Purple is so much more than your average colour
You've just moved away from home, joined a new university, have to make new friends AND understand all this new terminology?! Well we have got your back.
Here is a list of definitions for a few famous Warwick terms that you'll hear floating around campus:
Isn't this just something on the colour spectrum I hear you ask? No, Purple is every Warwick student's beverage of choice. It's a concoction more commonly referred to as "snakebite", that we Woxbridge students made our own. Its made of equal parts lager and cider, with a dash of blackcurrant cordial – hence the name "purple". We like to keep things simple around here.

Purple in all it's glory
Circling is essentially pre's organised by a society. You sit in a circle, playing drinking games and consuming copious amounts of Purple. Again, a very self explanatory name…
After drinking purple at circling, there really is only one thing left to do – POP! This will soon become your 'go to' night out. Cue cheesy tunes, fancy dress costumes, fresh shapes and a full on messy night. As a fresher you literally have no excuse not to go, if you haven't become a regular by week 7, we're all judging you…
The Koan
This may now seem irrelevant, as Warwick's beloved Koan has relocated away from it's prime location outside of the Arts Centre. Alas, you are more than likely going to overhear others reminisce over the Koan's majestical properties and will be here to welcome it's return from Tour in 2020.
The Koan, formally called 'White Koan', is one of Warwick's many artworks that live around campus. Standing at 6 metres tall, the Koan is a thing of beauty, rotating and lighting up faces for many a decade.

RIP KOAN, we miss you
No, this does not mean that you will be punched in the face. Smack is one of Leam's infamous clubs. It's complete with an underground "sweat dungeon", kitted out with padded walls and the best tunes for you to boogie the night away to.
You may not come across this little gem as early as the rest in this list, however it's something you need to know nonetheless. You are bound to develop a love-hate relationship with this absolute delicacy. Eliminator is the drink of choice at student bar Kelsey's in south Leam. No one quite knows what the ingredients of the green slime is – other than the fact it's responsible for your terrible drunk decisions.
So this is not a specific Warwick term, however one you need to know nonetheless. BNOC = Big Name On Campus, i.e. a Warwick legend. Think John Tucker, Regina George, Troy Bolton. These are the popular kids that everyone knows, you don't know why – you just do.
So there you have it, you're all ready to start your new uni lifestyle fully understanding these mystery Warwick words.