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The Tab Warwick’s Sexual Assault Survey 2017

Tell us your story


Have you ever received unwanted sexual attention in The Copper Rooms? Felt uncomfortably creeped out by someone in Costa? Or experienced sexual advances that were not reciprocated in your own halls?

You are not alone. Sexual harassment and assault is prevalent on campuses around the world, and probably at Warwick too.

The reality and normality of sexual assault and harassment across the spectrum has been pushed to the forefront in light of the Harvey Weinstein allegations. #MeToo trending on twitter exhibited the sheer number of women and men who have experienced forms of sexual harassment in their life.

A recent survey by The Tab found that more than half of female students said they had been sexually assaulted while at university and an investigation by The Guardian in March found that sexual harassment had "reached epidemic levels in British universities."

So, we want to hear your experiences, completely in confidence, about sexual harassment you have encountered at Warwick.

Your answers can be anonymous and as detailed or un-detailed as you like. All information is welcome and will help us build a picture of the experiences of Warwick students.

You can fill out our survey here.