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Warwick library has been evacuated due to a water leak

It will be ‘some time’ before the library reopens

This afternoon the main library was evacuated due to a water leak that originated on the fifth floor.

The leak has affected the heating and electrical systems in the building.

Fire alarms alerted students to evacuate the building, who were told by fire wardens to not re-enter the building until further notice.

Warwick Uni Library informed students via Twitter that it would be "at least a couple of hours" until the library would be reopened.

Because the evacuation occurred around 1:30pm, many students were having lunch and were not in the building, and were therefore not able to retrieve their belongings from the library following the fire alarm.

Olivia, a first year English student who was in the library at the time, told the Tab: "It's a massive inconvenience, especially in the middle of the working day and considering the Arctic temperatures outside."

Campus security will be allowing small groups of students in to retrieve their possessions if they were on the ground floor up to the third floor.

Security began the retrieval from the foyer in the Ramphal Building at 3pm. Top floors will have to wait for further notice to collect their possessions.

Emily, a finalist who receives disabled student allowance, told the Tab: "It was so unsettling being evacuated so suddenly and then to be told that the library was going to be shut for the rest of the day was concerning as all my belongings were in there, including my anxiety medication.

"The university responded fairly quickly to my tweets which was good and I’ve now been able to collect my things."

There will be more updates as they come.