The truth from Warwick execs about what it’s REALLY like running a Sports Club at Warwick
Sport is loved by many at Warwick, but how many can tell you what it is like to be pulling the strings?
Can’t lie, winning that election is a pretty awesome feeling… The sense of achievement you get is immense. But then you stop and you realise, the fate of the club is now in YOUR hands.
Okay, maybe that is a little dramatic, but you get it, you’re pretty damn important.
So what does it take to be the president of a Warwick sports club, and do you have what it takes? We asked current and former sports club presidents what it’s really like leading a club on campus.
“I love being able to have recognised responsibility and the satisfaction of leading change” – David Pang, Warwick Badminton Club
Importance of organisation
There is so much to organise. But, the feeling you get when you get through that first session and people actually turn up and nothing falls or breaks or collapses will make you thankful for all those exec meetings you had and all those endless communications with Warwick Sport (gotta love ’em…).
David Pang President at Warwick Badminton Club told us what it’s like to manage over 300 members, “Bridging communication effectively between Warwick Sport, our head coach and Warwick SU with my exec team and the concerns of all club members is a challenge.”
EVERYTHING is about your club
You become pres because you really do love your club and want it to be the best it can be. As much as you may want to spend ALL your time conjuring up new ideas for your club you must make time for your studies, and for yourself. This is especially important as being a president can really be quite stressful and you must remember even though you have the top role, not everything is on you.
“I probably spent quite a bit of time in the library last year ending up messaging people about table tennis or thinking about the next event!” – Anthony Close, former President at Warwick Table Tennis Club

We miss getting kicked out of kitchens for circling too loud
There is a hell of a lot of admin. And with the unhelpful addition of corona, you are almost guaranteed to have to redo and make changes to every piece of paperwork you submit. It starts off with one document you have to sign, and before you know it, you’re up to your eyes in waivers.
But hey, it’s all fun and games until your risk assessment for your taster session gets rejected 5 times.
Ultimately why you are running the club in the first place: you want to attract as many members as you can and make a difference to their university experience. You want them to love the club as much as you do, that’s why you put in all the effort of planning events, and tours (rip) and sessions.
“Really, I don’t think there’s anything more satisfying than knowing that your efforts have contributed to people’s uni experience” – Anthony Close, former president at Warwick Table Tennis Club
Naturally though, you can’t please everyone. You can try, you can try so damn hard, but nobody’s perfect.
Just try your best, and nobody can fault you for that. Well, actually, they can. And they will. Just make sure you’re prepared for criticism – membership opinions are important, but they elected you, so stick to your guns!

Casual club tournaments were the absolute best!
The Payoff
You will come across many stresses on the way, but remember to always back yourself (as a wise exec member once told me), you are president because your members wanted you to be. And when it does pay off, there is nothing more satisfying than putting your heart and soul into something and then seeing it succeed.

Circling may be gone (FOR NOW) but will never be forgotten
This year has been especially hard, with the constant changes in session venues, session times and trying to control Covid as much as you can within your club. So kudos to all presidents currently dealing with it all as best they can right now, whilst still smashing out events (even if they’re virtual) for their members.
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