Warwick students can now get free period products across campus
A new pilot scheme has launched in the #EndPeriodPoverty campaign
A new pilot scheme has been launched, enabling Warwick students to get free period products from buildings across campus.
The scheme, launched by the SU Women’s Officers, is part of a new phase in the #EndPeriodPoverty campaign. It is in partnership with the brand Here We Flo.
From the start of the Easter holidays, students will have access to free pads, applicator tampons and non-applicator tampons. They will be available in the Library (in the ground floor gender neutral bathroom and third floor women’s bathroom), the SU (first floor gender neutral and first floor women’s) and Rootes (ground floor accessible and ground floor women’s). More will follow in the Occulus and the Sports Hub.
Students are welcome to take any of the products they need for themselves or a friend, but are encouraged not to be greedy and to only take what they need, as the campaign’s funding is limited and they “want as many students to be able to access products as possible.”
Students so far have reacted positively to the move, with one third-year student commenting: “I am so impressed with this free provision of sanitary products because not only are the products available across campus in multiple buildings, but they are also in both women’s and gender neutral bathrooms. It acknowledges not all women have periods, and not all people with periods are women.
“I really hope this campaign gets full university funding and the free provision of sanitary products can become a permanent fixture at Warwick, and eventually universities across campus.”
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