The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
This decision affects nearly 800,000 people
Deep breaths, guys
Come on, let’s beat the rugby lads
The news comes under a week before Cardiff and Swansea come face to face in the Welsh Varsity
The event is next week on the 5th of April
This is 2017, right?
They have been a part of their club for 23 years
Work towards your O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s instead of your actual exams
Clue: They have a dildo called Courtney
And Domino’s are giving out free pizza at the event
It’s the epitome of crap, but amazing Valleys nightlife
Will you get a grand slam?
The Queen Street event hosted thousands of people
He will make a guest appearance at The Fest
It is unknown where the fear-inducing snow will strike
The tragic night out that everyone loves
It’s been reported to have stopped working in Julian Hodge
Mental Health funding needs to take precedence
Fanny Street was the worst culprit
Do any of us even bother with uni this week?
Finishing touches are currently being made
They want to commit to charity work around Cardiff to improve their reputation
They’re trying to suppress ‘lad culture’
Bet you went to Big Pit for a school trip
The event was called “Niggles’ Wake”
What’s the big deal?
Don’t waste your last year
There’s so much more to Wales
She will appear at the tenth round of Battle of the Unis
It’s been rescheduled for the 14th of November
‘The City of Unexpected’ is taking place over the 17th and 18th of September
Stop telling me how many weeks there are to go
The charity single is a rendition of Where Is The Love, which was released 13 years ago
Jimmi Sandham has created a million-dollar idea promotes a unique music experience for a good cause
It’s been referred to as the Rising of Spongebob
It’s the friendliest place to live in Wales
High water levels under the bridge between Salisbury Road and St. Andrew’s Place
Pray for the May babies
The SU seems to think so, though
He joins the faces of James Watt, Charles Darwin and the Queen
There will even be a security guard on board
We all know it’s because of the SU
We all secretly love the rugby boys
Why are you all complaining?
It’s probably those frisky freshers
The burglar had to climb over 11 garden fences
She bought the £7 cat-eyes for her leopard costume
He is one of two men in court in relation to the September assaults
The university will soon have nine centres
As if it could get any worse
Taking the rad out of grad