Sport Stereotype: Women’s hockey

THE ONE brings you the next instalment. At the bottom of the page is our reality poll. If you’ve met our stereotype, rate 5. If this is balderdash, rate 1.

Most likely to spend their time: Updating DUHC Sausages, a poor imitation of the legendary Rumour Mill

Most likely to be wearing: I <3 DUHC T shirts, because… they <3 DUHC, duh.

Most likely to be eating: a pre-match muffin (for energy) AND a post-match muffin (a well-deserved reward).

Most likely to be drinking: Powerade Lite (On 'Red Alert' due a really tough game next week)

Most likely college to be in: Collingwood (where?)

Most likely to be reading: I can make you thin, Paul McKenna

Most likely item to grab in a fire: anything but a fire extinguisher

Most likely chat up line: "We're not all lesbians…"

Most likely to get away with: having thunder thighs… all good hockey players have them.

Most likely school to have attended: Repton

Most likely relationship status: Recently single after cheating on a long term boyfriend with a fellow member of women's hockey.

Most likely to be out on a: Social, dressed as vegetables in the library, crazy!!

Most likely place to be found on a night out: See above

Most likely quote: "I can't, I have hockey"

Most likely song to have on their IPOD: Katy Perry- I kissed a girl

Most likely to be studying: MA in Marketing and Management (apparently a desmond in Sport doesn't quite cut it)

Most likely to refuse to: Admit they are DUHC sausages

Most likely to be kicked out of the club for: Spending an inordinate length of time in the communal showers post match…