Fashion Show Round Up: Part 3


Part three of the sexy series brings you the best of Hatfield, Josephine Butler and University Fashion shows. We have also found the missing NAKED rugby walk photos from Collingwood. Click through and enjoy. 

Josephine Butler 
Josephine Butler Fashion Show was one of the last in a series of stellar shows throughout Durham’s college, yet it managed to offer even more excellent styling and fantastic entertainment.
The first walk of the show ‘I can be a freak’ was a great start.  The clothes for this walk were mainly from Best Vintage in Newcastle.  The boys played it cool, whilst the girls looked ‘freakily funky‘.
Awards were given to designers who produced the best home tailored outfits. Each outfit was made out of recyclable materials and there were some wonderful entries.
The winning outfit of the designers’ competition were  Rachel Warren and Vikki Bellard. Massive congratulations to them for their effort. 
The Fashion Show went down a storm, just two nights after their infamous Lion in Winter Ball. 
The casual wear walk was cool and relaxed with open checked shirts and the girls showed off amazing slouchy peg leg trousers, teamed with a silky blouse for an effortless look.
The boys underwear walk was dominated by vibrant colors. The hunks spent most of their fighting off wondering hands that were trying to pull down loosely fitting PJ bottoms. An excitable audience it was. 
One collection boasted zebra, reminiscent of those that Cheryl Cole wore on the X Factor (also extremely popular on We were impressed to see them at the Hatfield Fashion Show!
University Fashion Show
I (The One) wasn’t actually at university fashion show but wish I had been. Judging by the photos there was some absolute talent on display.