Van Mildert Best of British Fashion Show 2012

Van Mildert’s Best of British Charity Fashion Show 2012 is taking place on the 11th of February at 7:30 pm. Supporting two amazing UK based charities, Help for Heroes and County Durham Community Foundation.

Van Mildert’s Best of British Charity Fashion Show 2012 is taking place on the 11th of February at 7:30 pm. Supporting two amazing UK based charities, Help for Heroes and County Durham Community Foundation.

Spring/Summer 2012 was the season that magic happened across the British Fashion Council tents during London Fashion Week. Britons are flying the flag high with creativity and innovation. British fashion draws on so many influences and is so open to individuality and that is why our clothes are so creative and diverse. For the show we have put together a snapshot of British fashion, from Vivvienne Westwood and Paul Smith to Topshop and Mildert’s own designers!