Durham Drama – Week 5

David Knowles previews the coming week of theatre in Durham

Obviously I must open this editorial with an explanation. The One’s investigation into the vile treatment of the DDF mimes has caused a furore in the drama bubble here in Durham. I want to explain quickly the One’s position. We stand behind Didier and Francois.


The evidence they have given us proves beyond reasonable doubt that their story is true. Paul Moss and the rest of the DDF exec should be ashamed. If they knew of the abuse the mimes were subjected to they should resign. If they didn’t know, they should still resign; the Murdoch defence,


‘I had no idea what was happening in my organisation’ is simply unacceptable. The One will continue to publish evidence provided by the mimes over the coming week. Rather than jeopardising Durham theatre, the One is saving it.

Anyway, back to shows! There are four shows this week in Durham and, for the first time I can recall, Stockon. That’s right our colleagues over in Queens Campus are putting on a show! Only a bus ride away, why not challenge our perceptions of Stockon by heading over and seeing what Infinity Musical Theatre can produce with Footloose!

Last we our team were impressed by Fresher and 4:48 Psychosis (proving that being a fresher is no barrier to creating good theatre). This week, the big guns of several different companies are being wheeled out.

First up is Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro. This rather epic opera is widely regarded as one of the finest pieces of music Mozart ever wrote. The script is witty and fast moving and, set in the Great Hall of Durham Castle , this production promises to be rather special. There is even a black tie evening on Sunday for those of you who just cannot stomach not dressing up for the theatre!

Across the green in the Assembly Rooms is another company’ flagship production. Nightwatch is the Pratchett play of the week from Ook! Having read Nightwatch I can say confidently that if Ook manage to do it even a small bit of justice the result will be an evening of biting satire and dragon based action. Yes, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea (I believe I wrote the same about Orcs the Musical….) but if you are a fan of Terry Pratchett’s writing, this show is a must see.

College Theatre in Durham has always moved on the edges of the main theatre scene, constrained by location, budget and cast these plays, often a fifteen minute walk away from the centre of town, are often passed over by most thesps. Anything Goes, the Trev’s College musical may be the show to put college theatre back on the map. See our preview for more information.

That’s all from me, follow us on twitter for theatre news in Durham (theatre_durham is our name) and if you have any questions, queries or a burning desire to write for the section email

[email protected].
