Written By Britain
THE ONE talks to the mastermind behind exciting new project Written By Britain…
“20,000 people. 20 original words. 1 published book. What do you have to say to Britain?” . This year ambitious Hild-Bede finalist Tom Bowden wants to give the people of Britain a voice by publishing a ground-breaking book of 20,000 individual musings, snippets of advice and quirky one-liners. The One caught up with Tom to find out about this intriguing scheme and what brought on such a challenging idea…
So Tom what exactly is Written By Britain all about?
Written By Britain is a nationwide project that allows thousands of people to become published authors. It invites you to be a part of a positive movement! Banker’s bonuses, politician’s expenses, looters, benefit cheats, mistrust, unease and bemusement. Young blaming old, old blaming young, British society can at times feel greatly divided and confused. Written By Britain was largely a reactionary project to the negative diatribe of information about our country.
What inspired you to come up with the idea?
Sometimes when we’re financially stuck and told how nothing in our society is working, it’s easy to blame, feel alone, feel lost and feel angry. Written By Britain was a way for me to cut through some of society’s tensions and test the positive truths that I held dear about Britain as a country. Everyone in Britain has something to say, everyone in Britain is interesting, everyone in Britain is creative, has a unique experience to share and everyone in Britain would like to be heard.
Has it been a long process from idea to actualisation?
The idea slowly grew over a few weeks in my mind about how to test the questions I had presented. The thoughts culminated with the idea of publishing a book in which 20,000 people contribute 20 original words. I was set on making this a reality. Currently based on facebook, the website has allowed for word to spread quickly and entries be compiled easily in a short amount of time. Recruiting help from others who share the dream such as Rachel Nwokoro, Will Hannam and Emma Chapman we are pushing on with publicising the project to as many people as possible. Anyone and everyone can and should be a part of the project. Besides becoming a published author, we hope giving everyone a platform in which to express themselves will bring about interest and understanding in all the different people who make up our Isles.
What are your hopes for the book?
The book will hopefully be record breaking in the number of authors that it contains and in the breaking of the barriers that exist in our society. We are the humans of Britain, tell us about something close to you. Actually there's one entry we have received so far which summarises the cause beautifully:
"I do not know you, and we will never meet. But now these 400,000 shared words will connect us forever." –
Charlie Taverner, 20, Durham.
We also spoke to head of publicity, Rachel Nwokoro…
I decided to work with Tom to publicize Written By Britain because I’m never able to shut myself up so I reveled in the opportunity to give other people a voice too. I know that with Britain there is so much that angers me, so much I love, so much I’d like to change and so much I’d love to say. This project is about battling apathy and showing Britain that; "In Britain we are never alone as long as we have a voice and can be heard. Written By Britain."
So, how do you get involved?
1. Think of 20 (or less) original words that you’d like to share with Britain.
2. Write your 20 words as a comment on the Written by Britain page.
3. We will credit you in the book as the name you have on Facebook.
4. If you would like your age and hometown included, please provide this at the end of your entry.
5. Wait until the book is complete and encourage others to participate.
If you would like to contact Written by Britain or submit your entry by email then please do at [email protected]
(If we deem what you have written to be offensive, ill-conceived, over the word limit or of a commercially promotional nature we will not use it. We reserve the right not to choose your entry.)