Flashmob Organised in Durham
DDF organisers make an emotional plea for help this Saturday in a secret manhunt…
As hype for the eagerly-anticipated Durham Drama Festival builds, the organizers have announced a flashmob in Durham, scheduled for 1pm tomorrow.
DST president Sarah Peters expressed her excitement for the upcoming event. “The flashmob promises to be a massive amount of fun, last year's 12.21 was hilarious! It's only 20 minutes long and most definitely worth taking part in.” Last year’s flashmob attracted the attention of the BBC, along with students from surrounding universities.
According to Peters, the mob is an attempt to find Paul Moss, the festival’s organizer who fled last week after allegations that he was planning to poison the festival’s lead actors and perform in their place.
The drama doesn’t stop there. In a build-up marred by controversy, last week The One reported the escape of the festival’s head-line acts, two mysterious mimes named Didier Noire and Francoise Blanc. They had previously been locked-up in the dungeons of the Assembly Rooms Theatre as part of Moss’ dastardly plan.
In a personal appeal to The One, Peters has begged for the safe return of Paul Moss. He said: “We really need everyone's help to find Paul so we can get the judges and workshops back to the Festival. His twin brother Steve, who you might have seen floating around Durham the past couple of days, has even come up from Bristol to give us a hand!”
She concluded, “At the end of the day, a Festival without its Director just isn't going to be a good Festival… Even if he is a little bit evil.”
To see further details of the flashmob, you can join the facebook group, http://www.facebook.com/events/325000374204338/.
In order to participate, people must email [email protected] with their name, email address and contact number to receive top secret information regarding the whereabouts of the hunt.
Please help find this evil mastermind tomorrow before it really is checkmate for DDF…