Last Night of DDF – Reviewed

Pure, uncensored fun…

Anyone who has ever met me or read anything that I have ever written will know that I take a very, very long time to say anything at all (or –indeed- to say nothing at all). Why I ever thought I would be able to review 4 separate pieces all at once is a mystery, but I have decided – rather than bore everyone to death – to write this review in the form of a number of haikus following the logical structure of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s notoriously terse ‘Tractatus Logico Philosophicus’. An unusual choice, perhaps, but the Durham Drama Festival is all about experimentation and displaying creative talent in a succinct manner, so this style seems right at home.

1.Just Do It

1.1.Morality tale
Ironic surgeon wants death
Herself, but saves others

1.2.1. Actor’s strong rapport
Breaks down walls and flashbacks
Reach and teach the crowd
1.2.2. Strong ensemble cast
Also builds our sympathy
With lonely surgeon

1.3.1. But sympathy fails
To topple monologues’ reign
A great misfortune
1.3.2. Our empathy remains
But stone walled monologues quell
Character dynamics

1.4.1. Quiescent or moving?
You decide but I remain
Curiously thoughtful


2.State of Fugue

2.1.A callback reject
Such greatness only worsens
Callback bitterness

2.2.1 Think Shutter Island
Steeped in psychotic mystery
But shoestring budget
2.2.2 Strong results ensue
 Drysdale’s script entices
Laughter and confusion

2.3.1. Scraps of cloth in chaos
Tormented mind in turmoil
Cunning nod to ending

2.4.1. Some words are too long
Like characterisation
So won’t be discussed
2.4.2. But Jonathon Wade
A tough role to play was nailed
Superb performance

2.5.1. A real highlight
Strong acts, fine script, great idea
Left me most impressed


3.Scream Queens Anonymous

3.1.Horror Heroines
These girls fall like dominoes
Killed off one by one
3.1.2 A fresh new idea
Original, witty, terse
And showed true promise

3.2.1 Loveless earns a nod
Transforms static lounge book club
Into paced arena
3.2.2. Fast, energetic
Complimenting natural wit
Of a sharp script Even good scripts fall
With mediocre acting
Thankfully not here Cast were consummate
Unfair to praise just one
Well picked, strong all round

3.3 Darkly funny
Clearly brilliant
Well received by all


4.The Secret Life of Fleas

4.1.1.The thought of blagging
A musical of all things
Would terrify me
4.1.2.Yet watching this piece
in absolute hysterics
tears swept down my cheeks

4.2.1.The skeleton plot
Invented in the moment
Was ludicrous
4.2.2.Utterly silly
Directionless and mindless
Totally contrived Yet without a doubt
By a mile, head and shoulders
The best show I’ve seen bells, no whistles
Unpretentious and simple
It outplayed them all

4.3.1. More striking still
The cast think this a poor show
Or so I am told

4.3.2.Whatever they think
This wasn’t anything for me
But pure uncensored fun
