Something To Look Forward To

The One is set to bring you another superb offering

It may seem like there's not much point in going on right now. Those wretched exams are here, people are becoming duller, you are becoming duller, all so that you can get a piece of paper at the end of 3 years that may or may not help you to do something else dull.

But have no fear! Because The Durham One Official Exams Party on May 29th will heal all your emotional wounds (?)

The One is bringing you another night of photoframing fun (see above photo). If you want to to be pictured in an oversized purple border then I imagine this is the only night that will fulfil your needs.

Get yourself down to North Road where Studio and Eazy Street Cabaret are combining to create Durham's very own super club for your delectation.


Anything in particular you want from the occasion? Comment Below