No likey? No lighty

Tonia Nee might not technically be from the uni, but she’s representing Durham nonetheless


A Durham graduate (of sorts) is in the line up of single women for the ‘flirty thirty’ on cult TV show Take Me Out.

No likey?

Tonia Nee studied podiatric medicine at New College Durham on the edge of town. She graduated with a 2:1 this year.

The 22-year-old has already made a name for herself on Take Me Out as a trigger happy woman who’s only interested in the very best.

During her most recent appearance, Tonia was less than impressed by the men on offer, turning her light off for all three wannabees.

First to feel Tonia’s wrath was Ed, a beefy boy to Warwickshire. He looked as if he was dressed almost exclusively in Topman, something Tonia does not like.

No lighty

She told him: “I cannot stand the jeans and converse together. I know a lot of people dress like that but I just can’t stand it.”

The diminutive Sam from Huddersfield didn’t fare much better. Tonia told him: “I’m 5ft 7, with heels that’s 6ft. You’re too short for me. It just wouldn’t work.”

Tonia originally hails from Galway in Ireland, but now lives in Newcastle. Unfortunately, though, the blokes there aren’t really her type.

Tonia said: Some of the guys in Newcastle can be a bit much for me. I do like that fact that they are generally quite tall and have good style.

Tonia in action

“I don’t think I would ever go out with a member of Geordie Shore or anyone like that.”

Tonia admits to being an adrenaline junkie and says her ideal date would involve jet-skiing or parasailing.

She said: “It’s not about getting with the best looking guy in a club. I need to think I could have a good time with him.”

Sticking the knife into the hapless Ed