The War against Boys

In defence of men: Joshua Glover calls for a return to rational, classical feminism and a halt to man-bashing.

Men are having a hard time nowadays – in the media, in the news and in the continuous misrepresentation and outright falsities of the feminist echo chamber.

After seeing another implicitly anti-man (or at least the female victim role-play rehash: “So put down those books, ladies, studying is probably pointless.”) article on the Tab I decided to contribute to the discussion and attempt to stop the poison of modern day feminism infecting my university.

Feminism: a once legitimate pursuit.

As with all things that concern reactionaries, let me premise this article by first saying that I am in full support of classical feminism, pioneering individuals who argued that equal work should mean equal pay and for female enfranchisement. I don’t think this is even a bone of contention for 99% of men in the UK and the rest of the developed world.

However, this battle has already been won, women have successfully achieved equality with, if not surpassed (which is wrong), men in terms of rights, and what we now suffer is the dogged search by feminists for something to complain about. Women have had a hard time in the past; it can’t all be over by now, can it? I mean, they didn’t even have the vote in equal standing with men until 1928.

I’m afraid it is over but nonetheless, claims perpetuated by well-intentioned women’s rights advocates, as well as by professional ‘play the victim’ feminists, lead most to believe that it is not.

The pay gap you say? Myth. It has been repeatedly shown that women earn the same amount that men do [1][2][3][4]. Statistics, by their very nature, are easy to manipulate and commonly heard claims such as “women systematically earn less than men” only come when life choices e.g. taking time off to care for children, part time work, are not taken into account. Once you factor these in, there is negligible difference between the sexes when comparable expertise and experience exists.

Well, what about domestic violence? Women are still being beaten on a wide scale due to men being naturally stronger! Myth. Men are indeed naturally stronger, and yet both sexes actually commit domestic violence in similar numbers [5][6][7]. Indeed, men are far less likely to retaliate than women: “It seems true that for some reason, female-to-male violence has a social acceptance on some level” (Greenblatt, 1983). “It shouldn’t, but it does – and therefore, retaliating physically could mean that you are the one that ends up being labelled as the abuser… some men also consider it to be unmanly for a man to hit a woman for any reason” (Steinmetz, 1980) – even if in self-defence.” [8]

He will grow up to hit women, unless you teach him otherwise, obviously.

Women initiate 67% of serious domestic violence incidents [5] and they are also far more likely to abuse children [9]. I bet you didn’t know that. The Sunday Times and the LA Times both independently estimated that men are 9 times less likely to report domestic violence than women*. Men know they will be laughed at, no doubt by other men and maybe even by the police and that is a shame. Where are their much needed shelters? They are few and far between.

But women are still more likely to be victims of street violence! They are weaker and are easier targets. Myth. Think about it, if this were the case, there would be groups of evil men running around attacking the easiest targets of all – children. Study after study shows men are more likely to be attacked than women [10]. Maybe we shouldn’t walk you home after all.

All I’m asking for is a little common sense. Gender issues are still of concern – men’s issues desperately need addressing in the western political sphere and women still need help elsewhere, especially in Africa and the Middle East (with militant Islam and Sharia law in particular). But can we get over the view that western women are oppressed? Durham University Women in Business? Please. How about a Durham University Business Society? Oh wait, there is one. If women are ‘under represented’ in business it’s out of choice, there’s nothing stopping women, and there’s nothing stopping men.

*These articles couldn’t be found online, so here are references which establish the same point:









