The thirteen stages of a Durham Easter holiday
Our holidays are long, some would say too long. Here are the highs and lows you can expect to go through on your highly emotional, solitary journey back to Klute.
1. Relief: “thank fuck that’s over”
2. Inability to move or do anything: “In, in a second, I’ll do it in a second”
3. Recuperation: “there’s a light, it’s coming closer”
4. Utter boredom: “where is everyone?”
5.Think about studying: “at least I can forget how bored I am”
6. Missing Durham: “there’ll be Klute, and Jimmy’s and everything will be fantastic”
7. Procrastinating to the extreme: “I know, I’ll write a Tab article!”
8. Other friends coming back but they are experiencing stage 2: “come on guys! Let’s go do stuff!
9. Parttayyy
10. Sudden revision panic: “I thought I was revising, but it turns out I’m learning stuff for the first time!”
11. The slow realisation you’re an idiot: “Holy fuck I know nothing”
12. Forcing yourself into isolation: “Well, goodbye everyone, it was nice seeing you for like, a week.”
13. One of two feelings – “please, don’t make me go, I need time, more time” or “See ya later losers.”
Now get back to work!