Is technology ruining your sex life?
Turns out people in the North East are letting small buzzing items ruin their sex lives….and these aren’t just bad vibrators.
A recent Durex survey has revealed that people in the North East are allowing technology to get in the way of their relationships.
The Durex survey revealed that:
1) Nearly 1/5 have answered the phone or read a text during sex.
2) Nearly 1/4 think technology gets in the way of their sex life.
3) Nearly 1/3 believe tech is adversely affecting their relationship.
4) 69% spend more time using tech than in bed having sex.
5) 2% have checked Facebook during sex.
As a result, the Tab decided to do their own research within the team to see how students felt about technology in the bedroom. We asked whether anyone had answered their phone or checked a message during sex:
Over half of people admitted to answering their phone.
100% said they spent more time on their phones than in bed having sex.
One second year Geography student said “If you’re spending more time having sex than on your phone you’re lying. Or you don’t have a phone.”
A third year added that “Well no-one gets phone calls anymore so its actually more exciting than sex!”
There is a whole Facebook group dedicated to ‘After Sex Selfies’.
Another student pointed out that although technology might not be welcome in the bedroom, it certainly helps make it happen through flirty snapchats and Tinder messages.
One second year English student said “I would never actually pick up my phone during sex to check it, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t look at it if it buzzed and the guy I was with was distracted.”
The selfie and the Facebook check: a post-coital must.
The reason this has come about is because Durex is celebrating the annual event Earth Hour by encouraging people to switch off their tech.
After supporting the idea for everyone to turn their lights out on 29th March, getting people to switch off their phones was supposed to give them the opportunity to reconnect with each other with the lights off.
Here was their video:
If something is going to be vibrating, it shouldn’t be your phone.