BETH BALKHAM’s handy guide to all the trends this summer.
There’s a reason why we’re all hoping for a ‘summer love’ or sipping on a good old Fabio’s ‘sex on the beach’ and that’s because the hotter the weather, the hotter we get. With Durham’s winter weather seemingly like a long, distant friend, we no longer have to try (and fail) to look sexy whilst walking like a Michelin man in layers of clothes. Instead, we can flaunt our flesh and the fewer clothes the better, so bring on this summer season of serious sex appeal.
The beauty of the backs
This summer is all about bringing sexy back, quite literally. Some body parts should stay in the bedroom, but a sneak peek of someone’s back is a great way to show a cheeky bit of skin whilst maintaining your modesty. Although a clear view of someone’s cleavage may not be the classiest of styles, a beautiful back is a subtle way of exposing your inner sass.
Expose the side with pride
A new trend has emerged in the fashion world – that of the side boob. Kimmy K, Lady Gaga and Rihanna have all been spotted showing their sides. Being the mother of all teases, the side boob is a tricky one. Although far classier than cleavage when done well, the sideboob is forever in danger of revealing everything. One too many quaddies and the tit tape can so easily go from holding everything in, to letting it all go. Perhaps this one is a little too risky for those wild nights in Klute.
Voluptuous in a vest
With exam season over, it seems exercise has become the new trend in Durham. As the summer holiday is only a few weeks away, dinner chat revolves around bikini bods and ridiculously depressing diet obsessions. But this may not be a bad thing, for summer style is not solely a way for girls to strut almost every bit of their stuff. Vests are perfect for those guys wanting to ‘work it’ this summer. Whether you’re master of the muscles or in possession of the perfect tan, your bare arms could be the key to grabbing that girl you’ve been after all year.
Time to shop for a good old crop top
If you’ve got it, flaunt it. If you’re a dedicated 30 day ab challenger, then what better way to display your efforts than with a crop top? Even so, we’re not all fortunate enough to be blessed with the babealicious bikini body, but nothing can stop you from the crop top. With a pair of high waisted shorts or a skirt, nobody has to know about that Tango burger that’s gone straight to your stomach.
OMG Becky, look at her butt!
But the sex factor of summer can go horribly wrong. Although the boys might be a fan of the odd bum cheek popping out to see the sun, there are some parts of us that need to remain unseen. A pair of bum shorts can only highlight one thing, that your shorts are too small for you. However nice your bum is, save its appearance for the beach and not for shopping around town. There is a time and a place…
The trauma of the topless man
Imagine a beautiful summer’s day, women pushing prams topless, gardening topless, sitting on a bench eating ice-cream topless. Perhaps titillating to the male species, but for the majority, such a situation can’t be imagined. If women can’t walk around topless, then why should men? Considering the number of gorillas and moobs around these days, it’s not everybody’s cup of tea to have men whipping off their shirts as soon as the sun shines. There are many chests that should remain in the dark.
Although, there are some bodies that no girl can resist.