Team of the Week: Durham Divas

Fresh from their most successful year yet, the Durham Divas are looking to throw some even more outrageous shapes this year.

Having won a competition in Blackpool, and being crowned Grand Champions in the International Future Cheer competition in Paris, you can’t deny the Divas have been sensational.

Tryouts were a resounding success this year, with about 70 girls competing for 18 spots on the squad, mostly down to a large exodus of talent graduating or going on years abroad.

There’s a new sense of competition in the air, with girls fighting for their positions as tumbler, flyers and bases.

Despite having to essentially teach cheerleading from scratch, owing to the vast number of new squad members, the girls have picked it up very quickly.

The Divas are optimistic for their first competition, with an unprecedentedly complex routine and a cheeky bit of Beyoncé and Sean Paul in the dance section, the girls are going for gold.


The Divas aren’t just competitive, however, as they’re heavily involved in charity work. And that’s despite receiving absolutely no funding from the university.

Last year they swapped the glitter and pom poms for the cold, unforgiving earth as they took on a 10km tough-mudderesque obstacle course in Nottingham; they raised over £880 for a local Down’s Syndrome Centre (ECCDS).

The Divas are also getting the centre involved by inviting them to attend and judge the inter-collegiate competition in February.

Look out for their flash mob in Durham City Centre in aid of Fixers, a young person’s charity. We know we will be.

The Divas, along with Swimming and American Football, are one of three DU teams in the running for a £1000 investment from Citi; so if you fancy voting for pom poms over speedos and helmets, or for either of the other teams, then get involved here.