Durham No More Page 3 campaigners celebrate axing of topless women

No nips have appeared on The Sun’s page 3 since Saturday

Some Durham students have been quick to celebrate The Sun’s apparent decision to stop printing topless women on Page 3.

First year Durham student and campaigner for No More Page 3 Newcastle Tristan Marris told us: “this appears to be the first lasting absence of page three in the British version of The Sun.”

Page 3 images are still available online, and a calendar is being advertised on The Sun website. The Irish version of The Sun ended the page three tradition, over a year ago.

No More Page Three supporter Tristan Marris also drew attention to the way in which the job of campaigners is not ended by their success in this avenue.

He said: “Obviously we still have a long way to go in tackling media sexism, and we are still committed to campaigning against it, but this victory remains a milestone for us.”

No More Page 3 lists Durham as one of the universities that have backed its efforts on its website.