Green Party leader is speaking in Durham tonight

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Famous Australian, and leader of the Green Party, Natalie Bennet is speaking in Durham today.

The leader of the upstart political party is coming to speak with the Politics and International Relations Society this evening.

She will address issues such as the nations environmental policy, as well as voter turnout.

In a statement on Facebook the society said: “In Britain we’re facing interlinked economic, social and environmental crises, in a society that’s working for the benefit of the few, not the many, while far exceeding the environmental limits of our fragile planet.

“People are fighting back. Levels of protest are at record levels, social media offers new and powerful tools for individuals of all ages to take action, and Britons are increasingly understanding that politics should be something you do, not have it done to you.”

The talk is free for all members of the society, and £3 for non-members. Doors open at 7.00pm, and will take place in CG85, in the Chemistry Building.

For more info, visit the society’s Facebook page.