Dee IS for Durham: Alice Dee takes SU Presidency

Did you even vote?

Alice Dee has been voted, by (some of) you, as the next Durham SU President.

Running as the more experienced candidate, Alice Dee was able to secure a victory over breath of fresh air opposition, Jade Azim.

Only 3,586 (18.3%) of you bothered to turnout to the elections, representing a mere 0.3% increase on last year’s equally drab turnout.

The Tab congratulates Alice Dee on her victory, and looks forward to holding her to account in the next year.

Tab backed candidate, Jade Azim, accepted defeat gracefully writing on Facebook: “I lost, congratulations to Alice Dee”, followed by a personalised Ed Miliband meme.

The Tab holds their breath to see who will be Durham’s answer to Jeremy Corbyn.

Alice’s own college Aidan’s, Trevs, and Collingwood all caught election fever and turned out highly to vote, but Chad’s was the keenest college, with over 40% of students voting.

Unsurprisingly, the most apathetic colleges were the too cool for voting Ustinov, marginalised Stevo and John Snow, and the apparently uninterested Van Mildert, JoBo, and Hatfield, who all couldn’t be bothered to vote.

The next Academic Affairs Officer will be Lisa Whiting, while the Activities and Communities Affairs Officers will be Kara-Jane Senior and Jo Gower. Adam Jarvis will be the next Development Officer.