Castle Fashion Show 2017: Meet the Models
You want to be them
Castle Fashion Show will be held in aid of ‘Friends of Kumi Hospital’, in eastern Uganda, this year. The charity was important to Castle’s late Senior Tutor Eva, and the JCR’s choice of charity reflects how important she was to them.
Models were chosen completely anonymously this year in a positive move for model selection. Potential models submitted applications with no photos, which the Exec scrambled up before judging the best of the bunch. This was rather than the traditional process of choosing models based on appearance and how they walk down the catwalk.
Jeremy Cowen, director of the show, told The Tab: ‘The theme this year is Polaroid – the SX-70 pretty much defined the 70s, and a year after they were released over 5,000 were produced a day. In celebration of this cultural titan, Castle’s Great Hall will be transformed on Sunday 19th February.’
The Exec told us: ‘We’re most excited for two walks: the ‘Designers of Durham’ will see our models exhibiting clothes made by students (past and present), whilst our ‘Green Fashion’ focusses on ethical or recycled clothing. Particularly exciting is an item from Mara Hoffman (who we LOVE) – watch out for that on the catwalk.’
Now onto the models, photographed by James Yallop and Max Halcox.
Jeremy Cowen, 2nd Year, Combined Honours (Music and Castle Charity Fashion Show):
Best feature?
The illusion of self-confidence
Worst feature?
Crippling self-doubt
Which other model do you fancy most?
Myself (Archie is OK too)
What are you looking forward to most about the show?
The final walk and a sigh of relief
George Billinge, 1st Year, Classics:

Best feature?
My instagram account Differentcars_georgebillinge
Worst feature?
Shameless self-promotion
What is your favourite chat up line?
Kiss me if I’m wrong, but looks matter more than personality
Which other model do you fancy the most?
Before seeing Xan’s headshot, Ella. Now, I just don’t know.
What are you most looking forward to about the show?
Finally getting The Tab off my back
Ella Blaxill, 1st Year, French and Politics:

Best feature?
The hair on my back
Worst feature?
I’m allergic to red peppers
What is your favourite chat up line?
Was your mother a beaver? Because damn.
Which other model do you fancy the most?
I guess I’m kinda obliged to say George Billinge…
What are you most looking forward to about the show?
Showing everybody how great my personality looks on the catwalk
Jasper Wiese, 2nd Year, Anthropology

Best feature?
My abs
Worst feature?<
The fat that covers them
What is your favourite chat up line?
You look like my future ex-wife
Which other model do you fancy the most?
Callum – probably the only model that could carry me down the catwalk, every Zoolander needs his Hansel.
What are you most looking forward to about the show?
The Castle compères – if the DU compères are anything to go by, then they’ll distract everyone from the budget model that I am
Susan Maginn, 3rd Year, English Literature:
Best feature?
Worst feature?
What is your favourite chat up line?
Are you out tonight?
Which other model do you fancy the most?
Susan Maginn, obviously
What are you most looking forward to about the show?
Getting a new profile picture out of it
Callum McCabe, 2nd Year, Natural Sciences:
Best feature?
Worst feature?
What is your favourite chat up line?
Don’t need chat up lines
Which other model do you fancy the most?
Jasper (I love big girls)
What are you most looking forward to about the show?
Not wearing gym clothes
Emma Claire Louise Parker, 2nd Year, Anthropology and Archaeology:
Best feature?
Worst feature?
My chat/My Eyes
What is your favourite chat up line?
I’m archaeologist and I dig you
Which other model do you fancy the most?
Couldn’t choose just one.. Probably Jasper or Pippa
What are you most looking forward to about the show?
Raising money for a great cause. And maybe the possibility of a backstage romance!
Xan Coptcoat,1st Year, Biomedical Sciences:
Best feature?
My go-getter attitude
Worst feature?
My crippling sense of existential dread
What is your favourite chat up line?
There’s a huge sale going on in my bedroom right now. Clothes are 100% off.
Which other model do you fancy the most?
I’ve got my eyes on the exec
What are you most looking forward to about the show?
Plz send nudes
Connie Scrimshaw, 1st Year, Law:
Best feature?
My ability to get up at 6 every morning without caffeine
Worst Feature?
I wear sequinned dresses at inappropriate times, i.e. lectures… there’s a time and a place, right? But when the entire uni is your catwalk, anything goes…
Favourite chat up line?
Do you like Alphabet Spaghetti? Because you’ll be choking on the D
Which other model do you fancy the most?
I couldn’t possibly say…
What are you most looking forward to about the fashion show?
Slaying the catwalk for a good cause
Archie Balfour, 3rd Year, Psychology:
Best feature?
My sense of humour, it’s what got me here in the limelight. The looks are just a coincidence.
Worst Feature?
My career prospects
What’s your favourite chat up line?
Are you a cigarette? Cause you’ve got a hot butt. And you’re smoking. And addictive. And lit. Love me. Plz.
Which other model do you fancy most?
Am I allowed to say the director?
What are you most looking forward to about the show?
Being scouted to model in Milan Fashion Week
Becca Louise Hutchings, 2nd Year, English Literature:
Best feature?
I’ve fully embraced my lack of height; if you’re going to do something you’ve got to do it properly, so if I’m going to be short I might as well be the shortest.
Worst feature?
I never forget anything
What is your favourite chat up line?
Are you from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only ten-I-see.
Which other model do you fancy most?
Why ask impossible questions, they’re all gorgeous.
What are you most looking forward to about the show?
The brands we get to wear look incredible so that’s pretty exciting; and the compères’ chat, of course.