Everything that makes Hild Bede the best college in Durham
When people think you’re from an isolated dwelling
Somehow, despite Hild Bede being one of the largest colleges in Durham, it remains somewhat unexplainably a myth.
It seems that, if you aren’t actually a Hild Beder yourself, you generally have very little idea where Durham is hiding one of its biggest colleges. No, we aren’t in, near or close at all to Stockton. Don’t go lumping us in with that bunch. Yes, we are somewhere along the river. No, we are not miles away from everything. In fact, we’re closer to the things that matter in life, like Klute and Tesco Express.
Who would want to be sat on top of the science site when everyday necessities and a good sesh could be a mere 2 minutes away?
So, if college life has settled down a bit too much and is now bordering mundane and slightly tedious, here’s why you should’ve chosen Hild Bede…
Size matters
Hild Bede have over 1200 students spread out over Durham. That’s a whole lot of potential rich future husbands to select from, so that favourite statistic of Durham’s that 72% of Durham students will marry a fellow DU goer, has never sounded more like music to our ears.
Not to mention that as you roam the 3 streets of Durham, the likelihood of every third person you see being from Hild Bede is verging on certain. It’s like a big family really…
Location location location
So maybe for anyone who frequents the science site or has taken a liking to Billy B, Hild Bede is not the closest of places. But the morning stroll along the river with the sun reflecting off the water, can sometimes be just what you need before those 9ams…
At least we’re close to Elvet Riverside though, the proximity of gross 60s buildings has never felt better. And with Paddy’s on our doorstep, the pizza life just gets that bit better.
The aesthetic
Not only do we have the classic Durham-style old buildings, but they’re nestled into 16 acres of greenery that aren’t Hatfield. Idyllic.
That means sledging in the winter (when the weather gets its act together) and sunbathing all summer long. Just think about all those insta opportunities.
The balls
Hild Bede don’t do anything by halves. We’ve got the space, we’ve got the people, we bring the pazzaz. Our bi-annual balls are the highlights of the year, featuring guests including Scouting for Girls, The Pigeon Detectives and The Hoosiers they are not to be missed, especially when inflatables grace the lawns of the college. Who knew suits go so well with bouncy castles?
Even the wine tastes better than normal.
A word loosely translating into heaven-on-earth. You say Europe’s worst nightclub, but we all know Klute is the place to be. Those cheesy Tuesdays just can’t be turned down, especially when they’re a mere trot down the river. The stuff of dreams.
The cinema
If the suits and dresses of formals don’t take your fancy, there’s always time of a Sunday evening to gather in front of the biggest cinema screen in all the colleges and watch the latest films for a bargain price. Bede Film Soc even provide pick’n’mix, and with a pint from the Vern, there really isn’t any other way to round off the weekend.
Not to mention the fully kitted out theatre, where some of the best productions are put on over the year, the tennis courts, the netball courts, the three gyms (undoubtedly to be avoided due to copious ‘gym lads’ present) and even the two chapels (who doesn’t love a good hour belting out hymns?); dull moments aren’t even a murmur in Hild Bede.
So, next time someone reveals they’re a Hild Beder, don’t pity them for being ‘miles out of the way’, because guess who doesn’t have a hill to trek up after the Paddy’s has been eaten, following the usual night at Jimmy’s? Guess who’ll find a rich husband first? Guess who figured out free buses past the science site were invented for a reason?
Guess you should’ve gone to Hild Bede.