Trevs has been evacuated
As if Trevs couldn’t get any weirder
After a series of power cuts throughout the day in college, students at Trevelyan have been transported from college to Maiden Castle and Josephine Butler to spend the night. Students were first made aware of the possible evacuation at 5 o’clock today via email.
The email reads that if a power cut was to happen for longer than 2 hours it would mean that all residents would have to vacate the building. Students were asked to wear warm clothing and bring a duvet as they would be taken by coach to either Josephine Butler or Maiden Castle for the rest of the night.
The email also stressed that this is ‘highly highly unlikely to happen’. However, The Tab can confirm that no Trevelyan students will be sleeping safely in their hexagons tonight.

Trevs students getting on board the party bus
Some students seemed excited about getting out of college for the night. A night away with all your mates, it’s just a huge sleepover right? They even took advantage of the fantastic sports facilities Durham University has to offer…

Wildcats get your head in the game
Unfortunately the appeal of a sleepover and getting out of college for a night seemed to slip away as the reality sank in that they are going to be cold, uncomfortable and very tired the next day.

Every cloud…
Jared Sey, a current nominee for Durham’s fittest fresher told The Tab, ‘I’d rather be locked in Oscar Pistorius’ toilet than here’.

‘This is worse than the hexagons’
Some lucky Trevs students managed to stay the night at a different college with friends, whilst others headed to the trusty Billy B in their time of need…
Emma Humberstone, English, First Year, Trevs
‘Please will someone go to a Travelodge with me?’
Charlotte Hutton, First Year, Geography, Trevs (arrived in Level 3 computer room coming straight from The Afro Caribbean Society Fashion Show quite inappropriately dressed)
‘What the fuck is going on?’
Emma Collins, Trevs, First Year
‘This is a picture of me getting kicked out the library. I’m very angry, a woman told us we couldn’t sleep here.’