In memory of Michaelmas and Epiphany
It’s like we’ve got January blues, but worse.
You should be happy right? You’re home! You can see your family, friends, your dog, and you even get to sleep in your own comfy bed and watch TV without the fear of getting sued by the government.
Why oh why then do you feel a little bit sad? A little bit nostalgic?
Michaelmas was over and that was sad as it was, but now Epiphany is over too, and before you know it the best years of your life are slowly running away without you.
Here’s a tribute to you, Michaelmas and Epiphany:

That first experience of Market Square at night. Magical.
We waltzed into this small town back in October and we now waltz out the same way, with an accumulation of new friends and about five people we can no longer talk to due to embarrassing behaviour on nights out. It happened and it’s fine.
DUO failed us a few times and summatives crept up on us very fast. We witnessed a Durham student get into a fight with Shawn Mendes, the Theology department ended up being third best in the world, but then Dixy Chicken turned out to be very unhygienic.

That feeling of both shock and joy when your number in Paddy’s gets called.
We paid our debts to Harambe on Palace Green and PJs became acceptable to wear to lectures, potatoes continued to rule our lives, and we all realised Durham wasn’t at all like Harry Potter. We crowned Durham’s fittest freshers and we all got alcohol poisoning.
You were messy, you were full of vodka, you were full of arguments, you were full of tears and regrets. But you were also filled with laughter, success, dancing, spending your loan, spontaneity, blackouts and smiles.
But it’s time to say goodbye.

Bye bye Michaelmas and Epiphany. Thanks friends.
Please raise a glass, smile and remember the wonderful time you had within those short but oh so sweet terms. Cheers.
Goodbye Michaelmas and goodbye Epiphany you were carefree, you were beautiful and you were oh so boozy.
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.