Where to take your date in Durham
Apparently fried chicken will get you that second date
The academic year is over and the gold rush commenced a while ago. This might be your last chance to finally bag that hottie from the Bill Bryson, the kinky girl from the Champagne Ball or that rugby lad with those cheese grater abs.
The only problem is you have zero chat, excessive bodyweight from binge eating your way through exams, and awful acne from all the stressing and lack of sleep.
Even though Durham is the 3rd best university city to find love, only beaten by York and Oxford, this does not answer the question of where to go on your first date and which locations would increase the odds for a second date.
Once you overcome your social anxiety and manage to ask them out (and they don’t reject you) what will you do? Where will you go? What will be the best place for a conversation?
These are the best places to take your date in Durham if you want to make them fall in love with you:
Dixy Chicken
According to a survey conducted by the dating app Hinge, fried chicken is the type of food most likely to lead to a second date!
The app surveyed 8,000 members across America about their first date experiences – specifically what did and didn’t lead to a second date. And they found that the most common cuisine to lead people to want a second date was fried chicken.
Fortunately, Dixy Chicken has just been reopened. Large amounts of money have been spent on new managers, staff training, and state of the art technical equipment ensuring that your fried chicken date will be the most memorable of them all. The chicken connoisseur would be proud!
Whiskey River
Whiskey River, the picturesque cocktail bar next to the Boat Club, has a warm and tranquil vibe, and divinely beautiful cocktails. It has a great view of the bridge, and if your date goes well you could go for a walk along the riverside. How romantic would that be?
If your banter is shit you should go on a Friday when they have live bands on, and there won’t be a single dull moment. Or, you could go on the famous Wednesday’s busker night, where a variety of acts performing could make up for your lack of chat.
Impress your date with your culinary knowledge! Alishaan, at the end of North Road, provides a calm and relaxed environment and friendly staff. Good food, beautiful date, chilled vibes, those are the keys to a successful date, everything else will follow!
Fat Buddha
Who’s heard of Fat Buddha? This Asian restaurant serves dishes from Malaysia, Japan, and Hong Kong. It’s hidden above LoveShack, and may seem cold and unwelcoming from the outside. However, the dim light, spacious area and friendly staff will ensure that your date will agree to the agony that is a second date with you.
Apart from good food, Fat Buddha has some amazing deals you can make use of when you’re on a date. For example two cocktails and one deluxe sharing platter for £12!
No excuses, now you have the tips you need to woo your date even if you’re punching far above your weight. Good luck!