Maiden Castle is undergoing renovations right now

Looks like we’re getting a new fitness suite!

Maiden Castle is currently subject to a £35m redevelopment plan. The development and expansion project started on July 17th.

According to a statement by the University, the purpose of the investment is to enhance the experience for University members, as well as that of the wider community including Maiden Castle’s 15 community clubs.

The first phase, which is expected to be completed by this November,  will include renovations of the café area, a new sports pitch, and improvements of the hockey facilities.

The second phase of the refurbishment project, which includes the development of a new and improved fitness suite as well as an indoor sports hall, cricket facility, and indoor tennis and squash courts, is still subject to a separate planning application and public consultation.

Doesn’t sound too shabby, does it?

Source: Sunderland Echo