Durham’s most revolting eyesore of a building could be torn down as the SU votes today
Listed status? Really?
Durham's most disgusting building, Dunelm House, could be on its way out after the Student Union votes today on whether to grant the building immunity from listing for the next five years.
Without this protection, the Students' Union building would be vulnerable to the University's development schedule, which would see it replaced with a new, hopefully more beautiful building.
Arguably, the DSU is fairly redundant at Durham, what with college bars and Klute to keep us out of the monstrous building that sits on New Elvet.
When people think of Durham, they think of cobbled streets, the Cathedral, and walks by the river – not a huge chunk of grey sat by the River Wear interrupting their Sunday stroll.
But all that could change. Durham University plans to try and remove the listing of Dunelm House, complaining of the building's faulty concrete, leaky roof and poor accessibility.
Not to mention the fact that it's a workout and a half to access any of the rooms, owing to the massive staircase running down the middle. And the fact that no-one actually uses it.
SU President Megan Croll supports the University's ambition to strip away the hideous mound of concrete, saying: "I am taking a motion to our Assembly to support the request for temporary immunity from listing for a number of reasons."
Former NUS Presidential candidate and general Durham BNOC, Tom Harwood, claims it is the "clear, obvious, and settled view of Literally Every Durham Student that the DSU is horrid and should be replaced by something prettier."
But not everyone agrees. Some in Durham view the brutalist architecture as a post-war image that should not be torn down.
Harry Cross, a passionate local campaigner, commented: "It is something amazing that we have a building in Durham that was overseen by the architect of the Sydney Opera House, whose bust stands by Kingsgate bridge. It would be a true tragedy to knock it down."

Even the blue sky doesn't help it that much
Not to mention, with the heartbreak of Loveshacks closure, the DSU finally stepped up to the plate giving us 'Shack Up'. So I suppose the DSU isn't all bad…
To see what your college SU reps vote in whether the university should get the chance to renovate (fingers crossed get rid of) the DSU, head over there tonight at 7pm to watch its fate being decided, at the first DSU Assembly meeting of the term.