We scouted for fit boys in the Billy B, and we found them
Meet the drop dead gorgeous academics
You might be a regular at the sweatboxes (aka clubs) of Durham, and you're probably under the impression that you've seen all Durham has to offer.
As many of you know, there are a handful of delicious men who attend most events, and you can count on them to reject you for a DU model and leave you emotionally crushed.
Until very recently, this seemed to be the fate of the gals at Durham. It turns out that we have some hope!
As you turn up at the Bill Bryson looking awful in your biggest fleece, thinking “It won’t matter what I look like here, surely no fit boys go to the library”, you'll be proved wrong straight away.
When you walk into the downstairs foyer of the library, a surprise will await you – tables of fit boys, all chatting to each other about things other than the girl they had last night. Is this for real?
As you wander through the library looking for a seat where you can read up on gossip without anyone judging you for not doing actual work, the boys will keep coming. Some will be studying, others just walking about. These are just a few types of boys you'll spot in the Bill Bryson, if you're lucky:
The rugby lad turned academic
You already know that they kill it on the pitch, but the fact that they don't just live at Maiden Castle makes them all the more delicous.

This is Ed, a third year historian and rugby player, looking v sexy on third floor
The fashion show model
You have the sexy fashion show models who you never thought you would see again after their unforgettable underwear walk, but here they are in the flesh!

Joe is a 2nd year and 10/10 daddy studying physics, who I have fancied since I did makeup for Grey fashion show
The fresh meat
The best ones are definitely the brand-new discoveries you haven’t seen before. Now you would like to see over and over again.

Who are you and when can I see you again?????
The guy who looks too cool to be here

Too cool for regular headphones, and yet still a certified fitty
They look like they're way too cool to frequent the library, but they do it nevertheless. I am not complaining…
This is a serious news flash to all the gals in Durham who thought that they had seen all their options – there are some seriously sexy AND smart men hiding in the hallowed halls of our very own Billy B.
This is the place to pick out your new boyf, whether it be a real one or just a library one.
Head to the library to find where all the fit boys have been hiding – and maybe get some work done, if you feel like it.