We asked students at other unis what they really think of Durham
“Bloody chino wearing toffs”
It comes as a surprise to no one that Durham might have a slightly flawed reputation amongst students from around the country. However we wanted to find out just how bad it is, so we asked them about it.
The responses we got from them were almost all exclusively negative, but at the end of the day who can blame them.
Here's what they said:
Alex, Leeds
“Oxbridge rejects.”
Lucy, Loughborough
“Not as good as us at sport.”
Jazmine, UWE
Duncan, Leeds
“Durham is the most boring uni in existence, the nightlife is piss-poor. Everyone goes to Klute which is just dreadful, if you want the proper uni experience in the North East go to Newcastle. Bloody chino wearing toffs.”

At least we have good debates
Elle, Liverpool
“Durham is boring and full of Oxbridge rejects and ket-heads. Think they’re amazing but in reality, you’re just average.”
Jamie, Southampton
“All the shit things about Oxford without their prestige.”

Who doesn't love a good gown bonanza
Libby, Falmouth
“Really really smart but just not Oxbridge enough.”
Sunnii, King’s
“If you wanna be at Durham, you’ve got to be an Oxbridge reject, poshness lasts forever, drama never ends.”

Doxbridge is real let's be honest
Elizabeth, London South Bank
"Entry requirements were really high so the people and probably super smart."
Owen, Staffordshire
"They're all posh and smart, wish they were at Oxford."

At least we have a castle
Hannah, Sheffield
"Boring, drink lots of port and go to charity gala dinners in black tie every weekend. The student houses have AGAs, and everyone's just waiting to head down to 'the big smoke' to earn megabucks in finance. The rest of their lives are spent hating it, and pretending they don't."
Sophie, Southampton
“You burn money in front of the homeless and wear a cravat. You can trace your ancestry back to Henry III but insist you’re not even that rich tho.”