Image may contain: Crowd, Festival, Club, Human, Person, People

Durham’s clubbers of the week

Freshers’ flu didn’t stop these legends

The week after Halloween is bound to be a rest week for some. After hitting up every different spook-themed night Durham has to offer the week before, who could possibly want anything more than seven nights in on the trot?

Well, looks like these hardcore seshers have more on their mind than a degree… And rightly so. Here are your clubbers of the week:

The family outing of the week

Image may contain: Festival, Club, Drink, Beverage, Alcohol, Human, Person, People

Responsible parenting done right

Messiest seshers of the week

Image may contain: Crowd, Festival, Club, Human, Person, People

Easiest way to down a drink is to wear it instead

Couple of the week

Image may contain: Smile, Portrait, Face, Human, Person, People

Featuring two photobombers trying to get in on the action

Photobombers of the week

Image may contain: Party, Crowd, Festival, Club, Human, Person, People

All three of them adding something extra, each in their own way

Squad of the week

Image may contain: Festival, Club, Human, Person, People

Gotta cover all those angles

Wildest clubber of the week

Image may contain: Night Life, Night Club, Club, Human, Person, People

Making sure he still has a pulse

Best hat game of the week

Image may contain: Party, Crowd, Festival, Club, Human, Person, People

Definite sun safety of the week