Durham SU President labels Trevs Rugby Club ‘arrogant and rude’
The club’s ‘Thatcher vs Miners’ social has been condemned nationally
Durham Students' Union President, Megan Croll, has released a statement reacting to the recent news that Trevs Rugby Club was planning a social which asked them to dress up as miners.
The social, which has already been described as "disgusting" by former miners, has now been denounced by the DSU.
In the statement, Megan Croll says she is "angry and disappointed" and calls the men involved "ignorant".
"Trevs Rugby Club has made our community appear hostile to people we should welcome, entrenched a stereotype of Durham students that we reject and have been working to change, and distracted students and the University from working together to make our community better for everyone.
"I hope they are ashamed of themselves."
The President went on to demand an apology, as well as a promise that students will help with the setup of the Durham Miners Gala in July.

The social has been taken up by international press
The event description read : "Forwards, you are to come as the M-I-N-E-rs: we want flat caps, filth and a general disregard for personal safety.
"Think pickaxes. Think headlamps. Think 12 per cent unemployment in 1984. Bonus points for the challenge week coal."
The University has released a statement on the event, stating they are looking at taking further action against the students involved.
"Durham University and Trevelyan College utterly deplore this event which is wholly unacceptable.
"The event has been cancelled by the students concerned. We are speaking to those students and we are considering what further action to take in due course."
Owen Adams, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Colleges and Student Experience) at Durham University, has also made a statement, saying:
"Trevelyan College immediately began investigative action and the College Rugby Club and all its events and activities both on and off the field have been indefinitely suspended, effective from Sunday 26 November, pending the outcome of disciplinary proceedings.
"A programme of education, concerning the North East region’s proud traditions, and the national importance of the endeavours and sacrifices of those working in the Durham coalfields, is to be put in place for the benefit not only of those students directly involved but also of the wider sporting fraternities and student communities.
"Specific apologies from the Rugby Club to the Durham Miners’ Association and other representative bodies will follow."