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This is not a drill! Buy two Easter eggs, get two free at Te(gg)sco

Humpty Dumpty eat your heart out

In a surprise discovery this evening the Tab has uncovered a fantastic deal at Durham's favourite local supermarket: buy 2 easter eggs, get 2 free.

Students have been seen rushing from all corners of town make the most of the egg-cellent deal. Two students were even reported descending Aidan's 85 steps to get their hands on 8 eggs, with a Hatfielder spotting the pair dropping their eggs along the Bailey, as the environmentally friendly (and frugal) freshers had refused to get bags.

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Egg-streme? One egg might be un oeuf for some, but we reccomend 8.

For just £3, one can acquire not one, not two, not three, but four mix and match Cadbury or Nestle Easter Eggs. A bargain not to be missed!

One egg-cited student phoned her mother near Birmingham immediately, alerting her to the deal – only to find out that she had already bought 32 – "she's cracked!" said the student.

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A whopping £24 worth of savings when you buy 32 eggs! #everylittlehelps

Easter may be 36 days away, but this deal won't last forever. Get yourself down and stock up whilst you can!

*This post was not sponsored.