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Durham students don’t seem to care about the strikes

They don’t go to lectures anyway

Unless you are in Collingwood and have not had internet access recently, you will probably be aware that Durham University lecturers are taking part in the nationwide UCU strikes which started on 22 February.

But how have these strikes been affecting students at Durham? A 3rd year Maths student who missed 3 lectures today due to industrial action said "there are too many lectures anyway".

Alexander, 1st year, JoBo, International Relations

"I do not support the strikes, our degrees should not be used as bargaining chips". He added: "So far I have not really noticed much of a difference".

Cam, 1st year, Cuths

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Cam is 'studying' Sports Science and claims he has not attended a lecture in two weeks. He said the strikes "are not affecting him in the slightest", and is perfectly happy to continue "treating first year like an all inclusive holiday".

Maddie, 1st year, Cuths

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Chloe, 2nd year, Van Mildert, Modern Languages

"I support my lecturers but it is a shame we are missing out on so many contact hours".

George, 2nd year, Castle, Classics

Told The Tab that all his lectures and tutorials for the remainder of the term have been cancelled, he received email confirmation from his lecturers and supervisors confirming this.

Thomas, 2nd year, Aidens, Engineering

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Showed up to his 10 am lecture today only to find an "empty lecture hall".

Aaaand some other anonymous people share their thoughts:

Image may contain: Ticket, Text, PaperImage may contain: TextImage may contain: Ticket, Text, PaperImage may contain: Letter, Text