We’ve saved the best DUCFS models for last, trust me
They’re so edgy they’ll slice you up
If you're left wanting more then remember tickets for the show go on sale Wednesday 28th November!
Samuel Plant, First Year, Collingwood
"I'm most excited to have a laugh at the same time as doing my bit for a great charity."
Jules Mangelaars, Third Year, Mary's
"I'm super excited to see everyone's hard work come together to showcase everything creative and sustainable. I think when a lot of people think "sustainable fashion" they think "irrelevant" and I'm really looking forward to challenging that idea- sustainable is sexy, kids! The show this year is already looking to be absolutely incredible and I'm just so excited to be involved! Also, the after-party. See you there x"
Willis Bennett, Fourth Year, Grey
"I'm most excited about being over aggressively heckled by my 'mates'."
Kate Gaukrodger, Third Year, Grey
"Trying to be as sustainable as possible is part of my normal lifestyle! Trying to conserve the worlds resources whilst making the most of our time on the planet is key to a sustainability to me"
Paul Levallois, Third Year, Stevenson
"I'm most excited for one word: the "Catwalk"
Natasha Gargan, First Year, Castle
"Apart from the actual show, I’m really looking forward to Retrace event. Writing and music are so important to me, and so an evening celebrating the artistic side of life would be perfect for me."
Tom Hollidge, First Year, Hatfield
"I'm most excited for the crowd."
Joey Yip, First Year, Mary's
"I wanted to be a model because I think there’s a lack of asian representation in popular culture and would like to be part of the movement to change that.
Davide Bertone, First Year, Van Mildert
"I wanted to be a model because it's something new which places me out of my comfort zone. I've heard it's a such a fun experience and I really support the cause behind it. Being a model gives you the opportunity to be at the forefront of something that's going to raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for charity. In my opinion that's pretty sick."
Daisy Shepherd Cross, First Year, Hatfield
"I'm most excited for the buzz of thousands of people who have all come together in unity to support the same cause. & getting to see some of the most sustainable designers out there."
Alex Shoff, Second Year, Collingwood
"I'm most excited to see the different clothes everyone gets to wear, have never done this stuff before and it'll be fun to see how uncomfortable I'm gonna feel with whatever they chuck on me."
Nina Stevens, Second Year, Collingwood
"What excites me most about DUCFS 2019 is working with a much more talented (and better looking) group of wonderful people to deliver a cohesive vision that spotlight's the problem of fast fashion and consumerism."
James Rosanwo, Second Year, John Snow
"The team aspect of DUCFS 2019 is definitely what I’m looking forward to the most , getting to meet cool new people in a different environment while also helping out the environment."
Check out the other models
• Meet the first bunch of this year’s DUCFS models
• The second batch of DUCFS models are here and they are eye-meltingly pretty
• If you thought we’d run out of DUCFS models you were wrong: Here’s batch number three